Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Follow-Up on Free Will

When running, I have the free will to run my own race or workout as I will.  I also have the free will to follow someone else.  That someone else may be running their own race and I try to follow them.  Or that person may be willing and attempting to pace me.  I run the best races when I plan my own race and stick to it (using my free will, my patience, and my own drive) but I sometimes have greatly benefitted from having someone else who knows better than me guide me along the way.

This is where I find a major crossover between my running life and my spiritual life.  God gave us free will.  I have the free will to choose whom to follow.  The key is to make the right choice about whom to follow as a guidepost for my life.  If I follow the right person/philosophy/worldview/God then life will be made more fulfilling, more enriching, and more hopeful.  If I choose wrong, well...  Things won't work out so well.

So there is a lot to be said for free well in choosing how to run and in choosing how to live.

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