Thursday, September 27, 2018


A student was near the elevator and the dean passed by
The observant student asked of the dean, “Today, no bow tie?”
The dean’s response, “A bow tie is simply not always my style,
But when I need to lift my spirit, a bow tie brings a smile.”
The student nodded in response, with no further asks in store.
The dean thought he’d get the student to wonder a little more.
So, he said, “Of course, that’s not the only interesting tie,
Have you seen my lavender one with a squid who’s swimming by?”
At that, the student looked quite perplexed and uttered just a word,
“Squid?” with a look on her face that showed surprise at what she’d heard.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

I Am Drawn to Run Where There is Water

I am drawn to run where
There is water—
Not to drink, but to see and hear.
Drops shimmering on flower petals
As my city awakens
After an evening shower.
The barely audible
Tricking stream
Under a footbridge.
The serene stream
By the endless
Tree-lined rail trail.
The rushing Jones Falls
By the urban concrete trail
After a torrential rain.
      The inner harbor with
      Ducks and ripples on the surface
      In the gentle breeze.
Sometimes as interesting
As I expect
Once I arrive and run.
      Other times when I hope
      To see something extraordinary
      The water is its usual self.
But when I have running company
My fellow runners never disappoint
And my refreshed soul can smile.

Monday, September 17, 2018

Missing Sunflower Whispers (A Poem)

I spent a summer living without sunflowers.
After more than two decades in a home,
In a neighborhood with numerous other
Houses with sunflowers in their yards,
I was elsewhere and missed them.
Their majestic stems and yellow petals
Rising to towering heights
Had been the subjects of many images preserved.

Beyond the simple visual appeal,
I missed observing the always fascinating process
Of sunflowers becoming sunflowers—and blooming.
And I missed the wisdom gained
From sunflowers whispering when the wind blows,
When the secrets of the ages of collecting energy
To mimic the Earth’s source of light and heat
Are plucked from the stems, petals, and seeds,
And sent airborne to be heard by those who listen.

The leaves from the stems are like welcoming arms that
Signal being open.
The stems rising slowly but steadily
To heights attained by few other flowers
Speak of perseverance.
The flowers tracing the sun’s movement
Through the bright blue sky
Whisper of the quest flowers complete each day.
The stubborn green stems
Despite wind and storms standing straight and tall
Grumble about resilience and strength.
The flowers starting out looking like bulbs,
Opening over days and later showing bright in the sky,
With each flower at its own speed,
Tell of truth to oneself.

This year I could only reflect on lessons
I’ve learned from watching in the past—
And dream of new lessons next year’s flowers
In my permanent neighborhood might hold.
Being open to new lessons,
Persevering in my quest to learn,
Being resilient, strong, and true to myself
As I take pleasure in learning and sharing lessons of joy
From the simplest things in my world.