Sunday, January 13, 2019

Many Runners on the Promenade

Many runners on the promenade.
      It seemed like everyone was out on Saturday
            in light of what was forecast for Sunday.
      Alone or in groups and sometimes with dogs.
      Many different routes were chosen.
      Particularly bumping out in different places
            as we passed and repassed a social
            group of three.
      One of them very focused on precision,
speaking of very specific distances,
         like having 0.05 miles to go
and covering 3.52 miles.   
Multiple colors in the sky.
      We began in the pre-sunrise dark.
      We encountered a photographer on the edge
         of the inner harbor
         awaiting the perfect shot.
      We talked about seeing the deep pink rising in the sky
         with a patch of peach to the upper right
         amidst the clouds on the horizon as we left
         the inner harbor passing the Rusty Scupper.
      The sky had turned mostly gray with clouds
         by the time we were headed back to finish.
Varying levels of wind.
      For a while I thought there was little.
      But then we faced a moderately stiff wind
         as we ran due north.
      We hit that several times on the way back,
         but it was nowhere near the intensity
         of the two days before
and we just ran through
and I never wished for a wind breaker.
Many points of conversation.
      We touched on many positive topics as we started.
      But when our speed increased the conversation slowed.
Making sense of life.
      Us and the other runners.
      Experiencing variation
         and responding with adaptation
         in ways that apply generally.