Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Seeing the Whole

Five-thirty on a Tuesday in mid-June.
Before the sun has completely risen.
We meet to run an easy urban loop.
I do not think we could have asked for more.
Temps were cool as if it were early spring.
Humidity was surprisingly low.
There was a breeze to evaporate sweat.
Amazing conditions making it feel
Like we each had wings attached to our feet.
Wings are sometimes used to fly rapidly,
Like Mercury zipping around the sun.
Others with wings do not care about speed
But use their strong wings to soar and explore.
To place themselves so high above the earth.
We can see many things affecting lives.
We can see very small parts and the whole.
We can find meaning in all that we see.
We share observations of what is seen.
Inspired to dream very audaciously.
Caring about the whole of what is seen.
Caring about the whole fellow runner.