Friday, January 18, 2013

Sunday's Response

In the Catholic church I attend we rarely use the written and recited response.  We always have a song.  Despite rehearing on Tuesday night, I could not tell you off the top of my head what the song we will use instead of a response will be this Sunday.  However, looking at the written response that is to be recited, we find that the Catholic church chooses to draw on Psalm 96--more or less verses 1-10 on this year's second Sunday of ordinary time and feast of St. Sebastian.

The people's response is "Proclaim his marvelous deeds to all nations."  Certainly after having one amazing year (20th anniversary, qualifying for Boston, new career opportunities emerging, children maturing) and with another amazing year ahead (still teaching Sunday school, still playing bass, more running, more cooking, approach our 21st anniversary, looking forward to celebrating my parents' 45th anniversary, helping our oldest apply to college), I see many reasons to proclaim marvelous deeds that I, for one, attribute in part to God.  I realize that plenty of people see no room for God.  But I do and I think that all this good begins with God.

The verses talk about singing a new song from all the lands that reflects the blessing of God's name.  I know that St. Sebastian spread the word of God.  I don't think of myself as necessarily singing a song to the Lord, but every day when I blog, I am proclaiming in some way.  Each day is new.  Each year I teach Sunday school there is something new.  And I thank God every day for what I have.

The verses proceed to mention that we should announce his salvation day after day. Again, for me this goes along with blogging.  And for St. Sebastian it meant continuing even after he knew just how much his life was at risk.

Then the verses shift to giving glory to God's name.  And they chose with a reminder to worship God who is king and rules with equity.

In some ways this is a bit repetitious. Simple praise verses while being very positive and uplifting tend to repeat the same message.  It is that way with many of the songs we sing  It doesn't make them bad.  It simply makes them read as though whoever was inspired by God to write it was inspired to "beat us over the head and remind us in every way possible" of the importance of the message.  Still, reminders are important.  Reminders are what St. Sebastian brought to the world in his words and reminders are what he kept bringing to the world even thought it put him at risk.  I have never felt at risk from the reminders I bring.  I try to use actions as much as words and let the way I lead my life following God speak for itself.   

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