Sunday, February 2, 2014

Regained Confidence and a Profound Statement

Today, I got my stride back.  After running 11 useful but plodding miles yesterday (plodding for me was an 8:28 pace), I had time for a quick 4.5 miles today and ran them at 7:38 average.  I noticed a couple things.

First, when I begin the day with 50 minutes of work-work, then make a smoothie for my wife, then wash dishes, then make coffee for my wife to take to my son's hockey game with her, get the two of them out the door by 6:30, go to the grocery store and fill two bags, and return home and empty the bags, and then get dressed to run at 7:45 with a goal of being home by 8:30, I am really focused.  So, I took off for my run and ran down Highwood, south on Northwood, and east on Northern and hit the first mile at 7:38.  Continuing on, I ran along Northern past Mars and the post office, around behind the shopping center, and up Loch Raven to Loch Hill.  Second mile at 7:32.  Climbed Overbrook and took it all the way to York Rd.  Ran an 8:04ish.  Then picked up the pace running down York Rd for a 7:30-something fourth mile.  Then brought in the final half mile in sub-7 pace despite the need to run up hill on Lake.  It felt great.  Main observation--when I am running miles at sub-7:30 on city sidewalks, people move out of the way. I don't want to "own" the sidewalk but people seem to think that I do.  All I really want is a space on teh right hand side of the sidewalk to keep pace.  But people move for me.

Today, the sun was very bright and I probably only needed one layer on my hands while I made sure to wear two.

And yesterday I failed to comment on the almost completely frozen solid Lake Montebelloe.  I have never seen it like that in my years of running around the Lake for workouts.

So, after my run, I quickly made a smoothie with unsweetend almond milk, whey powder, bananas, and vanilla extract.  Consumed it.  Poured some coffee I'd made earlier.  And took a quick shower.  Then I left to drive to church to teach Sunday School.  It was only 9 AM.

Carrying on, I taught my third graders.  I helped them tie together the fact that St Paul wrote to the Corinthians about eyes not seeing and ears not hearing and minds now knowing what God has prepared for those who love Him.  I pointed out to the kids that this translates directly into a song we often sing at mass.  They didn't seem as fascinated by that as I am.  But it gave me something to think about later in the day as I told them how cool it was to link something from 2000 years ago to what we experience today.

As the day went on, I made some homemade Italian "sausage" (ground pork, onion, and a few spices that we later put on pizza for Groundhog (catch the pun) day).  Then we made some breakfast sausage and gravy and homemade buttermilk biscuits for lunch served at 12:15.

Then, Daniel and I did dishes and went to get gas and went to the pet store to get pet food and a few other supplies.

Finally, some more chores at home.  Then mass.  Then reading The Hobbit.  Washing more dishes.  And now writing while watching the lopsided Super Bowl game.  As I mentioned in a conversation with one of the produce guys at the grocery store this morning--defense wins Super Bowl games.

In any case, the profound statement of the day was from Father Sam.  Regular readers of my blog know that this is not the first time I think Father Sam has said something profound.  Today was the Catholic Church's celebration of the presentation of the Lord.  The conclusion of the rituals of infancy.  Nothing unusual there.  What was unusual was the fact that two people were waiting for the coming of the Lord at the temple.  I just taught about this in Sunday School a few weeks ago. Also interesting because I don't remember that the earlier third grade books I'd taught from brought out this lesson.  Simeon comments on he could now go in peace as he had seen the glory of God's salvation.  What Father Sam pointed out was that (for those of us who believe in transubstantiation--which I realize is not everyone but is a basic tenet of the Catholic faith--we are holding the same body of Christ in our hands.  We have the opportunity to experience the same joy of the glory of God's salvation.  We know what brings us peace and happiness.  While many people in the rest of society search for what they want.  That is a connection with 2000 years ago that is pretty amazing.  It makes me think about the experience of the Eucharist in a different way than I have thought of it before.

By the way, I am at 186.3 miles continuing along PA 31.  Not much more to say than that.  Have been doing some reading about St Raymond.  One of the most interesting things about this virtual pilgrimage has been to think about some new saints and lives of saints along the way.  

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