Sunday, March 31, 2019

Beauty Manifested

An early morning walk with my old dog
Under just a thin sliver of the moon.
Then a quick drive to meet up with a friend
To run eight miles and back to the Jones Falls.

As I drove on the quiet Fayette Street
Toward where we planned to start our morning run,
I saw red-or’nge almost mushy sun
Rising just above the eastern horizon.
Thin clouds that stretched a line from north to south
Looked as though they had pierced the morning sun.
A landscape beautiful to remember.

The trip was in pursuit of running to
Running water that would be by our side.
We share a love of water rushing as
We run together in good company.

Approaching the falls, I spoke of the sun
Reflecting on its beauty like the falls.

And as we ran the “back” of out-and-back,
The water was no longer by our side
But drizz’ling down from a now mid-gray sky
Enough to cool but not enough to drench.
Beauty manifested for us again.

Finding beauty in very many things
And very many people whom I meet
Brings serenity to a crazy life,
And happiness, making my life complete.

So if I were to offer just a thought
To anyone who’d care to listen now
I would say, “Take a moment to observe
And find the beauty and joy in the world
Around you.” Then take a very deep breath
And pause a moment. You’ll find—life is good.

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