Sunday, May 31, 2015

Final Step in Rebuilding

Before my not so fun run on Mother's Day I had done 15 miles on the NCR trail with my training partner, Joselyn, on May 3.  As I sit and write on a day of rest on May 31, I feel that I have successfully rebuilt, although next Sunday, 35 days after the last 15 miler, will be the real test.

But, yesterday, I went through the last step in regaining confidence.  How?

It was a hot morning yesterday.  My car thermometer said low 70's even when I parked at Paper Mill on the NCR trail.

Joselyn and I said, "13, or 14 if we are feeling fine."  We ended up doing 14.  The feeling of being fine was definitely there.

The 14 started off easy--an 8:33.  Then a few more miles at over 8 minutes.  But then we got into a zone and just ran.  The first half--as we ran from the Paper Mill parking lot to a point about 1/4 mile north of the building with rest rooms at Monkton was 56:56 (reflecting those early miles).  The second half we came back and ran it in 54:13.  What a difference.  Yes, it is a little downhill, but not really that much.  That is an average of over 20 seconds faster per mile and some were definitely run even more strongly than that.  And we didn't have any slower than 8 minutes in the second half.

That was despite being dripping with sweat to the degree that once again, I could have wrung out my shirt.

That was despite the humidity.

That was despite the lack of any real breeze.

And as I sort out what my next challenge will be with running, it was great to feel like I was completely back in control at a distance that was exactly what I expected, with my breathing not totally out of control, in the company of a good friend, and ready for the rest of the day.

The rest of the day was pretty good too--my youngest son's lacrosse team won't both games convincingly and made it to the playoffs in this weekend's tournament.  My son, however, has to learn the lessons I have with finding ways to keep going when it is hot.  Not an easy task for a 45 year old.  Not an easy task for a ten year old.  We all learn such things.

My rebuilding to where I was before my Mother's Day run is now done.  It is time to move on.  And to find out again what I am capable of when I put my mind to it.  Both in running and in writing--blog and other projects. 

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