Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Counting Down Some "Lasts"

I am counting down the "lasts" toward the marathon in Philly.  There are a lot of lasts.  Today was the last "track" workout, although the "track" workout was actually on a treadmill.  I have to say it was one of the most boring treadmill workouts ever.  (I realize that some people think that all treadmill workout are boring.)

Why was it extra boring?

First, the space that the hotel at which I was staying for a professional conference had a fitness center with only three treadmills in a relatively small space.  So, there weren't many other people to look at.  For more than 20 minutes of my 52 minute workout there was no one else.  Eventually there were two other people--who were walking.  The fact that there were only three led to my decision yesterday to run outside rather than inside, and I got to run along the River Walk in San Antonio--although it was dark, and, I'm sure, less spectacular than seeing it in the light.

Second, the treadmill faced a wooden wall.  Not much to look at there.  Many places--even hotels these days--have mirrors next to the treadmills.  That would have been more exciting to see.

Third, I was exercising in the pre-dawn hours.  There were wooden blinds next to the treadmill I was on.  But there was not much going on in the section of San Antonio where I was staying, at that hour.

Fourth, as you can see in the picture. I was sweating like crazy when I was done.

Did I need the workout?  Yes. It is a part of my preparation for the Philadelphia Marathon.

Did I struggle with the workout?  No.  I was able to hit 6 one-half miles in 3:00 each without feeling overly taxed.

Do I feel ready?  As ready as I'll ever be.

The transformative moment?  At some point, I will return to all of the transformation topics I mentioned last week.  But for today the transformative moment was just the realization that this is it.  This is the end.  This may be my last marathon.  It will at least be the last marathon that I give this much training time--this many miles per week.  Hopefully it will be a crowning achievement.  At the very least it will be the end of the line for a specific type of goal.

That led me to the music I listened to on the way home from San Antonio today.  I have always liked the music from Rocky.  In fact, I had the sheet music for Gonna Fly Now when I took piano lessons as a kid.   Today, I had the album on random shuffle.  The two songs that can still give me chills when I listen to them and they come to their rousing conclusions are Gonna Fly Now and The Final Bell.  I don't always get chills when I listen to them.  But I did tonight.  I know when the most amazing parts are coming.  I can anticipate them.  Yet, I still feel the chills.  The sense of triumph (although Rocky lost the fight in the first movie).  I know I have reflected on that before, but it is a recurring theme.  Not that my entire life is a triumph, but I love seeking that feeling.  The sense of accomplishment.  The sense of completion.  This is what I hope to feel as I finish the race on November 23.  And I'm sure that The Final Bell will be running through my head.

And then we will see to what I transform my energies next.  Other than finishing out the year with as many miles as possible.  I'm at 1941.5 now.  Closing in on the goal.

So many goals.  So much achievement.  What will next year bring for me, my running, my family, and my career.  I cannot say.  But I am looking forward to finding out.  Continue to persevere and continue to love.  And the rest will fall into place. 

You can find the podcast at: http://www.buzzsprout.com/34388

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