Thursday, February 28, 2013

Why Do I Run? A Story of Five Outings

Yesterday's blog entry did not meet my goal of 100 words per day, but, despite the small number of words, I found it very useful.  And, I spent a good bit of my short run thinking about it.  So, I think it is still in the spirit of writing each day with spiritual and well-being reflections.

In any case, my next entry won't be reflecting back on Sunday's homily but will also be about running.  My last five runs nicely capture why I do this.

Friday--8 miles that were only a means to an end.  Each goal is like a project.  Especially going into a business school in which people discuss operations, I think of completing each race like completing a project.  The 8 miles I ran last Friday were simply an input into "project completion".  Nothing more. Nothing less.

Saturday--variation and socialization.  I ran at three very different paces.  And the middle stretch was over conversation with friends.  Combining socializing and exercise--always a winner.

Sunday--how far can I push myself and exploring new routes.  This was the last 14 of 40 miles in three days.  Could I do it?  Could I do it at the same pace I'd run Friday and Saturday?  And could I do it on a course I'd never run exactly before?  All fun things.

Wednesday--after two days off it was all about reawakening.  Using my legs again.  Getting up and getting out and letting my legs stretch and push and feel the ground beneath them making contact over and over again.  Just the joy and wonder of running.

Today--speed.  My fastest 4x1600 in a long, long time.  Just how fast can I push myself.  Can I get faster?  How many times can I do it over and over again?

I know that some people think that running is a boring sport.  I think that running offers such a wide variety of great experiences that I could never consider it boring.

These are the reasons I run. 

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